Cornish Minnow
Minnow is our first Cleveland Bay and our foundation broodmare. She came to us in 2021 and has delivered two perfect foals - IronHorse Bentley and Ironhorse Austin Healey (pictured).
Minnow was bred by John Hammond in New Hampshire and found her way to an Amish farm in Michigan where she pulled a hay wagon and was bred to Yorkie (Gaylord Yorkminster). She came to us in January 2021, and Bentley was born in August.
After Bentley was weaned - we decided to see how Minnow would be for riding. Turns out she is great! She is a willing and enjoyable trail horse, and this year we hope to work on driving and jumping a little.
Minnow has made many friends including her farrier, Gypsy - who with her endless patience turned trimming into a relaxing time for MInnow in spite of her terror about it when we first got her. Another of Minnow’s friends is Ruby Rose the chicken - who appreciates Minnow’s somewhat messy eating habits.
Minnow best friend though, is Tess. Tess is the queen of the farm, and although not a Cleveland Bay (she’s an Oldenburg NA) she has become autie to the babies and Minnow’s buddy.

Tess and Minnow just hanging out

Ponying Bentley - about the 5th time Minnow had been ridden