Hand Building
Drop-in Classes: Sunday 1:00pm to 5:00pm
By Appointment 2 Hour 1-on-1 Session

Christmas ornaments, Snowmen…. or whatever!
You can make just about anything if you have the patience and stick-to-it-iveness Create your own one of a kind mug, or a beautiful ceramic organizer for your desk or bathroom sink. Or maybe the perfect pot for your favorite house plant. How about a personalized food dish for your pet? Or a piggy bank for your grandkid? A butter dish? A wind chime? A fairie house?
We could go on and on and on! So many ideas!
IronHorse Pottery is here to help!
Sunday afternoons are now for hand-built pottery projects! We will be open from 1 pm to 5 pm most Sunday afternoons. Everyone is welcome to stop in and create something. No experience needed and all supplies included. Instructors will be available to help you as much as you want. If you know what you want to make and how to do it - then we will just make sure you have want you need. If you have no idea what to make, we will give you some ideas. If you know what you want to make but not how to make it - we will show you!
$20 per person
Once complete, your project will need to dry and be fired to bisque before glazing. We will take care of that so you can glaze it, usually within two weeks depending on drying time. Then we will fire it to complete and you can pick it up at your leisure.
No need to sign up ahead of time…. although please let us know if you are coming with a group so we can make sure to have enough space.
Give it a try!
If you’re looking for a more structured option call to schedule a 1-on-1 hand building session with an instructor! This is a two-hour session to learn the basics of hand building with clay. All supplies included. Groups up to 14 can be accommodated.
Depending on the complexity of your project - you will likely be able to make at least two or three pieces. Finished pieces will be ready to pick up in 2 - 3 weeks.
$20 per person
Optionally, you can sign up for this session, and then plan to come back to do your own finishing and glazing. Finishing and glazing sessions are 1 hour each and are an additional $10 each. Follow up classes will be scheduled separately as the timing depends on drying time for the clay when we fire the kiln.